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PARSONS, Arthur Edward (#J/11636) Arthur (“Ted”) Parsons was born in Sarnia on November 26, 1916, the son of Arthur Edwin Parsons and Olive Sarah (nee Cornish) Parsons, of 286 Kathleen Avenue, later 170 Proctor Street, then 263 North Vidal Street, Sarnia. Parents Arthur Edwin and Olive Sarah were both born in Portsmouth, England.
They were married on March 18, 1913 in Point Edward, Ontario. Father Arthur Edwin Parsons was a Civil and Stationary Engineer. Ted Parsons had two brothers; John and Thomas, and two sisters; Gwendolyn and Shirley.
Ted attended three elementary schools in Sarnia from 1925 to 1931; London Road, Lochiel Street and Devine Street Public Schools. He then attended Sarnia Collegiate from September 1931 until June 1934.
Ted was a member of the SCITS rugby and basketball teams, was active in swimming and track, and his hobby was photography. According to his family members, Ted Parson developed quite a reputation as a “ladies man” during his youth.
Ted Parsons had a number of jobs prior to enlisting to serve: a clerk at Clement Drug Company in Sarnia, 1929-1930; a salesman with Parson’s Gift Shoppe in Sarnia, 1934 to 1936; a jeweller at C.A. Remus Jewellers in Timmins, 1936 to 1940; and then a jeweler at W.H. McCreery Jewellers in Windsor, from September 1940 until he enlisted in early 1941.
Reference letters written by a couple of Timmins business people on behalf of Ted Parsons in his RCAF application included the following comments; “I have always found him honorable and trustworthy in every respect.
I would say that Mr. Parsons exemplifies our finer type Canadian Youth and I am sure that he would not be found lacking in any trust imposed with him,” and “I have found him to be a willing, honest and able worker at all times.
He has resided in Timmins for the past four years, and is well known here, and well-liked by business associates and personal acquaintances.” Twenty-four year old Arthur “Ted” Parsons joined the Royal Canadian Air Force on February 24, 1941 in Windsor, Ontario. Standing five feet seven inches, with blue eyes and brown hair, and single, he was residing at 1019 Pelissier Street, Windsor at the time (he recorded his permanent address as 286 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia).

He recorded his next-of-kin as his mother Mrs. Olive Parsons, of 286 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia. On his Attestation Paper, he also recorded that he had applied to join the RCAF in September 1940 in North Bay, the result being he transferred to Windsor.
He had already begun working on his flying license prior to enlisting, with 9 ½ hours of dual flying and 2 ½ hours of solo flying experience. He requested flying duties with the RCAF, with a preference to be a pilot. From the Recruiting Centre in Windsor and #1 Manning Depot in Toronto, Ted Parsons would receive his air training at #5 Service Flying Training School (SFTS) in Brantford, #1 Initial Training School (ITS) in Toronto, #12 Elementary Flying Training School (EFTS) in Goderich, Composite Training School (KTS) in Trenton, #7 Air Observer School (AOS) in Portage la Prairie, #3 Bombing and Gunnery School (B&GS) in MacDonald, Manitoba and #1 Air Navigation School (ANS) in Rivers, Manitoba.
The Chief Instructor and Commanding Officer at #1 ANS remarks on Ted Parson was that he was, “Above average student. Conscientious worker, excellent navigator. Good appearance and personality,” and “Excellent officer material – would make a good instructor.” Just over one year after joining the Air Force, Ted would lose his father Arthur Edwin Parsons, who died March 8, 1942. Ted was training at #3 B&GS in Manitoba at the time, and was given a 15-day leave to return home. On April 11, 1942, Ted Parsons was awarded his Air Observer’s Badge at #3B&GS, and one month later, on May 11, 1942, Ted Parsons would receive his commission as Pilot Officer at #1 ANS in Rivers, Manitoba.
Ted would then spend his two-week pre-embarkation furlough with his widowed mother Olive in Sarnia. By July 1942, he would be posted east, to #31 Operational Training Unit (OTU) in Debert, Nova Scotia and then #31 Personnel Depot (PD) in Moncton, New Brunswick.
F/O-Navigator Arthur Edward Parsons On July 20, 1942, Ted Parsons would embark overseas, disembarking in the United Kingdom ten days later. Initially posted to #3 Personnel Reception Centre, he was transferred to #9 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (AFU), then to #14 Operational Training Unit (OTU) on August 8, 1942. On February 6, 1943, Ted Parsons became a member of RCAF # 77 Squadron. In March of 1943, his mother Olive Parsons in Sarnia would receive news that her son Arthur Parsons had been promoted to Flying Officer from Pilot Officer by the R.C.A.F. somewhere in England.
As a member of RCAF #77 Squadron “Esse Potius Quam Videri” (To be, rather than to seem), Ted Parsons would attain the rank Flying Officer-Navigator. Ted Parsons would serve with #77 Squadron for less than three months. On the night of April 30/May 1, 1943, Ted Parsons was a member of the crew aboard Halifax II aircraft JB803 that took off on an operational sortie targeting Essen, Germany. Nothing was heard from the aircraft after takeoff, and it was reported missing.
The aircraft was lost to enemy action, crashing near Muiden, Holland. Perishing with F/O Arthur Ted Parsons were Sgt. Thomas Deuel Scarff (RCAF, born and raised in Winnipeg); and Sgt.s Ian Douglas Crawford (RAF), Leon Hannam (RAF), Raymond Shepherd (RAF), William Robert Louth (RAF) and Gordon Watson (RAF). On May 2, 1943, Olive Parsons, then residing at 170 Proctor Street, Sarnia, would receive the following telegram from the RCAF Casualties Officer; Regret to advise you that your son Flying Officer Arthur Edward Parsons J one one six three six is reported missing after air operations overseas May first Stop Letter follows.
Later, Ted Parsons would be officially listed as, Previously reported missing after air operations, now for official purposes, presumed dead. In August 1945, widowed mother Olive Parsons, then residing on Vidal Street, would receive a War Service Gratuity of $317.79 for the loss of her son Arthur “Ted” Edward Parsons. In the spring of 1946, the RAF Missing Research and Enquiry Unit (MREU), conducted an investigation into the crash of Halifax JB803, and the burial of its’ crew. Following are portions of the Investigating Officers report; 2. …
I called at the Town Hall at Muiden on March 7th, 1946, and interviewed the burgomaster, a Mr. Koops a very helpful man. Mr. Koops told us he remembered the crash. No one of the police had been allowed near it. It occurred at 0230 hrs. on the morning of May 1st, 1943, in Polderland near the IJsselmeer (Zuider Zee). The aircraft burnt furiously for several hours, but there was no explosion.
The burgomaster stated that all remains of the aircraft were taken away by the Germans. 3. The bodies of Sgt. Scraff and Sgt. Watson were found near the aircraft. A doctor who visited the aircraft after it had burned out stated that he could not find the remains of any more bodies in the wreck.
A couple of days later the body of F/O Parsons was washed ashore from the Ijsselmeer at Muiden and the bodies of Sgts. Crawford, Shepherd and Hannam were washed ashore at Diemen, about 3 miles westwards. 4. The burgomaster had not heard of a seventh body, that of Sgt. Louth, being found.
It is possible that he baled out, as apparently the other members of the crew did, and that he came down in the Ijsselmeer and has either never been discovered or was washed ashore some considerable time afterwards, having no remaining means of identification. … 7.
Further efforts will be made to discover the fate and burial place of Sgt. Louth….. In July 1946, Olive Parsons, then residing at 263 North Vidal Street, Sarnia, would receive the following letter from the R.C.A.F. Casualty Officer, for Chief of the Air Staff in Ottawa; Dear Mrs. Parsons: A report has now been received from a Missing Research and Enquiry Unit on the Continent which contains additional information concerning the death and place of burial of your son, Flying Officer Arthur Edward Parsons, of which, although it is of a distressing nature, it is felt you would wish to be advised.
According to local inhabitants who were interrogated by a representative from the Missing Research and Enquiry Unit, the aircraft of which your son was a member of the crew crashed at approximately 2:30 A.M. on May 1st, 1943, near the Ijsselmeer, (Zuider Zee) near Muiden, 6 ½ miles East South East of Amsterdam, Holland. The bodies of Flight Sergeant Scarff and Sergeant Watson were recovered near the wrecked aircraft and the body of your son was recovered from the Ijsselmeer at Muiden. The bodies of Sergeant Crawford, Sergeant Shepherd and Sergeant Hannam were also recovered from the sea about three miles distant, at Diemen.
The six members of the crew were buried by the German Authorities in the General Cemetery at Muiden, Holland, and your son was buried in Grave No. 85, Row 1, rather than Grave No. 80 as previously advised. The reverent care of the burial places of all who served in the Forces of the British Empire is the task of the Imperial War Graves Commission. Already eminent architects are at work planning the construction of beautiful cemeteries and each individual grave will be supported and sustained by the nations of the Empire.
I hope it may be of some consolation to you to know that your gallant son’s grave is in sacred care and keeping.
May I again offer you and the members of your family my deepest sympathy in your great loss. In March 1947, Olive Parsons would receive the following letter from the Wing Commander for Chief of the Air Staff in Ottawa; Dear Mrs. Parsons: It is a privilege to have the opportunity of sending you the Operational Wings and Certificate in recognition of the gallant services rendered by your son, Flying Officer A.E. Parsons.
I realize there is little which may be said or done to lessen your sorrow, but it is my hope that these “Wings”, indicative of operations against the enemy, will be a treasured memento of a young life offered on the altar of freedom in defence of his Home and Country. Twenty-seven year old Arthur Ted Parsons is buried in Muiden General Cemetery, Netherlands, Row E, Grave 85. On Arthur Parson’s headstone are inscribed the words, GOD’S GREATEST GIFT, REMEMBRANCE.
SOURCE: The Sarnia War Remembrance Project, by Tom Slater
Arthur Edward Parsons
PARSONS, Arthur Edward (#J/11636)
Arthur (“Ted”) Edward Parsons werd geboren op 26 november 1916 in Sarnia, als zoon van Arthur Edwin Parsons en Olive Sarah (geboren Cornish) Parsons, die woonden op 286 Kathleen Avenue, later op 170 Proctor Street en vervolgens op 263 North Vidal Street, Sarnia. Zijn ouders, Arthur Edwin en Olive Sarah, waren beiden geboren in Portsmouth, Engeland.
Ze trouwden op 18 maart 1913 in Point Edward, Ontario. Vader Arthur Edwin Parsons was burgerlijk en stilstaand ingenieur. Ted Parsons had twee broers, John en Thomas, en twee zussen, Gwendolyn en Shirley.
Van 1925 tot 1931 bezocht Ted drie basisscholen in Sarnia: London Road, Lochiel Street en Devine Street Public Schools. Daarna ging hij naar het Sarnia Collegiate van september 1931 tot juni 1934.
Ted was lid van de SCITS-rugby- en basketbalteams, was actief in zwemmen en atletiek, en had fotografie als hobby. Volgens zijn familieleden kreeg Ted Parsons in zijn jeugd de reputatie van een “vrouwenman”.
Voorafgaand aan zijn dienstverband had Ted Parsons verschillende banen: hij werkte als klerk bij Clement Drug Company in Sarnia van 1929 tot 1930; als verkoper bij Parson’s Gift Shoppe in Sarnia van 1934 tot 1936; als juwelier bij C.A. Remus Jewellers in Timmins van 1936 tot 1940; en vervolgens als juwelier bij W.H. McCreery Jewellers in Windsor, vanaf september 1940 tot zijn dienstaanmelding begin 1941.
Referentiebrieven geschreven door enkele zakenmensen uit Timmins ten behoeve van Ted Parsons bij zijn RCAF-aanmelding bevatten opmerkingen als: “Ik heb hem altijd als eerzaam en betrouwbaar in alle opzichten ervaren. Ik zou zeggen dat de heer Parsons een goed voorbeeld is van het beste type Canadese jeugd, en ik ben er zeker van dat hij geen enkel vertrouwen dat in hem gesteld wordt, zou beschamen,” en “Ik heb hem altijd ervaren als een gewillige, eerlijke en bekwame werknemer.”
Op 24 februari 1941 sloot de 24-jarige Arthur “Ted” Parsons zich aan bij de Royal Canadian Air Force in Windsor, Ontario. Met blauwe ogen, bruin haar, een lengte van 1,70 meter en vrijgezel, woonde hij destijds op 1019 Pelissier Street in Windsor (zijn permanente adres noteerde hij als 286 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia).
Ted staat links, Gwen Parsons in het midden en rechts is John Parsons.
Zijn opgegeven contactpersoon in geval van nood was zijn moeder, mevrouw Olive Parsons, van 286 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia. In zijn Attestatiepapieren vermeldde hij ook dat hij al in september 1940 had gesolliciteerd bij de RCAF in North Bay, waarna hij werd overgeplaatst naar Windsor.
Voordat hij zich aanmeldde, had hij al wat vliegervaring opgedaan met 9,5 uur dubbelvliegen en 2,5 uur solo. Hij had verzocht om vliegwerkzaamheden bij de RCAF, met een voorkeur om piloot te worden. Vanuit het Wervingscentrum in Windsor en #1 Manning Depot in Toronto, volgde Ted Parsons zijn vliegopleiding op locaties als #5 Service Flying Training School (SFTS) in Brantford, #1 Initial Training School (ITS) in Toronto, #12 Elementary Flying Training School (EFTS) in Goderich, Composite Training School (KTS) in Trenton, #7 Air Observer School (AOS) in Portage la Prairie, #3 Bombing and Gunnery School (B&GS) in MacDonald, Manitoba en #1 Air Navigation School (ANS) in Rivers, Manitoba.
De Hoofdinstructeur en Commandant van #1 ANS merkte op over Ted Parsons: “Boven gemiddeld student. Gewetensvolle werker, uitstekende navigator. Goede uitstraling en persoonlijkheid,” en “Uitstekend officiermateriaal – zou een goede instructeur zijn.” Ruim een jaar na zijn toetreding tot de luchtmacht, verloor Ted zijn vader, Arthur Edwin Parsons, die overleed op 8 maart 1942. Ted volgde destijds training bij #3 B&GS in Manitoba en kreeg 15 dagen verlof om naar huis terug te keren. Op 11 april 1942 ontving Ted zijn Air Observer’s Badge bij #3 B&GS, en een maand later, op 11 mei 1942, kreeg hij zijn benoeming tot Pilot Officer bij #1 ANS in Rivers, Manitoba.
Ted bracht vervolgens zijn twee weken pre-vertrekverlof door met zijn weduwe geworden moeder Olive in Sarnia. In juli 1942 werd hij naar het oosten gestuurd, naar #31 Operational Training Unit (OTU) in Debert, Nova Scotia, en vervolgens naar #31 Personnel Depot (PD) in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Op 20 juli 1942 vertrok Ted Parsons naar het buitenland en kwam tien dagen later aan in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Aanvankelijk geplaatst bij #3 Personnel Reception Centre, werd hij overgeplaatst naar #9 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (AFU) en vervolgens naar #14 Operational Training Unit (OTU) op 8 augustus 1942. Op 6 februari 1943 werd Ted Parsons lid van het RCAF #77 Squadron. In maart 1943 ontving zijn moeder Olive Parsons in Sarnia het nieuws dat haar zoon Arthur Parsons door de RCAF ergens in Engeland was gepromoveerd tot Flying Officer vanuit Pilot Officer.
Als lid van het RCAF #77 Squadron, met het motto “Esse Potius Quam Videri” (“Zijn, in plaats van schijnen”), bereikte Ted Parsons de rang van Flying Officer-Navigator. Hij diende minder dan drie maanden bij dit squadron. In de nacht van 30 april op 1 mei 1943 maakte Ted Parsons deel uit van de bemanning aan boord van het Halifax II vliegtuig JB803 voor een operationele vlucht naar Essen, Duitsland. Na het opstijgen werd er niets meer van het vliegtuig vernomen, en het werd als vermist opgegeven.
Het toestel werd neergeschoten door vijandelijke actie en stortte neer bij Muiden, Nederland. Samen met F/O Arthur Ted Parsons kwamen Sgt. Thomas Deuel Scarff (RCAF, geboren en getogen in Winnipeg); en de Sgt.s Ian Douglas Crawford (RAF), Leon Hannam (RAF), Raymond Shepherd (RAF), William Robert Louth (RAF) en Gordon Watson (RAF) om. Op 2 mei 1943 ontving Olive Parsons, destijds wonend aan 170 Proctor Street, Sarnia, het volgende telegram van de RCAF Casualties Officer: “Tot onze spijt delen wij u mede dat uw zoon Flying Officer Arthur Edward Parsons J een een zes drie zes als vermist is gemeld na luchtoperaties in het buitenland op 1 mei Stop Brief volgt.”
Later werd Ted Parsons officieel vermeld als “Eerder vermist na luchtoperaties, nu voor officiële doeleinden, vermoedelijk overleden.” In augustus 1945 ontving de weduwe Olive Parsons, wonend op Vidal Street, een oorlogsvergoeding van $317,79 voor het verlies van haar zoon Arthur “Ted” Edward Parsons. In het voorjaar van 1946 deed de Missing Research and Enquiry Unit (MREU) van de RAF onderzoek naar de crash van Halifax JB803 en de begrafenis van zijn bemanning.
In juli 1946 ontving Olive Parsons, toen wonend op 263 North Vidal Street, Sarnia, de volgende brief van de R.C.A.F. Casualty Officer namens de Luchtmachtstaf in Ottawa. Het rapport bevatte aanvullende informatie over de dood en begraafplaats van haar zoon, F/O Parsons, op de Algemene Begraafplaats in Muiden, Nederland, in graf nummer 85, rij 1.
In maart 1947 ontving Olive Parsons de Operationele Vleugels en een certificaat ter erkenning van de moedige diensten van haar zoon, Flying Officer A.E. Parsons. Op het graf van Arthur Parsons staat de inscriptie: “GOD’S GREATEST GIFT, REMEMBRANCE.”
Bron: The Sarnia War Remembrance Project, door Tom Slater